
⊆∫∀∏∉ℵ⊂∃ ∞⊕π−Ϩ⨳ (Clarence Barlow)

This piece was written for the celebration of Clarence Barlow's retirement from UC Santa Barbara.

I wrote this piece by mapping "Clarence Barlow" on a two-dimensional plane using Iannix, a graphical open-source sequencer for digital art, and sending MIDI from that to control a Yamaha Disklavier.

This instrumentation was chosen specifically as a nod to Barlow's many MIDI player piano pieces, such as, "Two Fugues on the Name Cage after Fugues #5 and 6 on the Name Bach, Op. 60 by Robert Schumann".

Premiere performance:

WAV available upon request, < info [at] stewartengart [dot] com >.

The score for this piece is not available online at the moment.